Computer Browser's which in today's world are numerous but the main key players such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, And Google's Chrome are browser's million's and million's of people are using. Yes we can debate "Netscape" "AOL" And "MSN" but in the computer world those Three are the best.
I've Tried and downloaded each one, and have used each one extensively. What this post will about is tips on how to use them, to how to clean out where you've been for privacy reason's, and Tricks on how these browser's might benefit you in the long run or short term of using each one.
Internet Explorer:
Internet Explorer is the 1st of its kind. Microsoft was the first to create a browser that took hold and stuck with millions of people. Yes you can say "Netscape" was the first Browser but with Microsoft's software and extreme presence it was the first to stick and hold. As of right now your probably using the most current version of this software from microsoft.
Though if your in the Europe you've probably had a choice between three browser's due to the Latest Lawsuit against Microsoft in which they lost, due to the fact that they never gave people a choice on which browser they wanted and said that Microsoft created it's own Monopoly. In so many ways though Internet Explorer is fast simple and easy to use. No need for add on's and downloading of plug in's Internet Explorer does so much with so little. If you've been using Internet Explorer for all your life I wouldn't change it, unless your computer savy. If so then branch out and explore you'll find so much when it comes to choicing which best works for you.
Tips And Tricks For Internet Explorer
Cleaning Out Your Cookies, Temporary Files, And History:
First load Up Internet Explorer By clicking on the ICON on your Desktop or going into Start then programs and clicking from there. Next Click on Tools, Go down to Internet Options A small box will pop up in the top left of Right corner of your Screen. From There you'll see mulitple Tabs, the first one will be named "General" which is the one you'll want. Next Click on the following Botton's Delete Cookies and then yes. Once you've done that click on Delete Files then click the box Delete Offline Files then ok. Once you've completed that then finally Click Delete History. I would set Days to keep History to 0 for those of you who do not want anyone to see what you've been up to or you do want your computer to run faster.
Clean out Your Recently Accessed Documents, Websites, Etc:
This TIP is one that is more of an insider secret than anything else. What you've done with erasing your cookies, Temp files, And History. What this will do is go further and get rid of your recently accessed Documents and other Miscellanious things that you've been doing. this acutally will make your computer run quicker. Please note that it will not Delete the Documents but get rid of what you've accessed and opened in the Start - Documents Section on the Start Menu.
First Click Start or The Microsoft Logo on your Explorer Bar. Secondly Click on Settings, From their a screen will pop up. Scroll down and click on Task Bar And Start Menu. A Customize box will some up with Two Tabs. One Saying "Taskbar" and the other Saying "Start Menu". Click on the Start Menu Tab then the Customize Button. The Screen "Customize Classic Start Menu" will appear. Click on the Clear Button and your finished, click ok and ok to get out and your done.
Mozilla's FireFox:
Mozilla's Firefox is an amazing Browser which if your a Techy like me, you have so many option's. From dressing it up to how you surf. This Browser really get's @ the heart of many Internet surfers. With it being a Good competitor to Microsoft's "Internet Explorer". Firefox is really the next best thing to use. A lot of companies, Websites, and software now support the Firefox platform which makes it more Compatible for everything that you did with internet explorer that you will not notice the difference.
For Me Firefox is my new Browser because of the option's I have with it. People love option's and since the average internet user is between the ages of 13 to 21 this makes for a great selling point. Since you can use Firefox while having Internet Explorer installed on your computer its a win win situation for anyone wanting to branch out without having to be cut off completely. Now when it comes to Firefox nothing is difficult and on the note i'm going to tell you some TIps and tricks about it.
Tips And Tricks For Mozillas Firefox
Firefox's privacy is amazing Feature. It allows you to simply Click it and forget it. To do this please follow the following Steps.
First Open "Firefox" once opened and loaded, Click on Tools then scroll down to Options. The option's box will come up, Next click on the Privacy Button And set the following to these settings. Firefox will: Never Remember History Location Bar Suggest: Nothing. You can also hit the Clear All Current History setting to clean out your Firefox.
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